
Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Scawfell Island to Yeppoon

Sunday, 22 October to Sunday, 29 October 2023

Well the BOM had the wind direction right today but the strength was lacking unfortunately. We sailed for a couple of hours hoping the wind might build but it faded and eventually we started the engine and dropped the sails. We had plenty of company with 10 boats also making their way to Middle Percy Island. It was 63 nm to the calm anchorage in Whites Bay where we dropped anchor as the sun set.

Sunrise at White's Bay
We had another early start to get to Port Clinton. Slightly more breeze today so we managed to sail half the day. Lots of boats anchored inside Perforated Point so we went to the bay to the west. We decided to spend Tuesday here doing a few jobs and getting off the boat for a long walk. You can't leave the beach as the army uses this area for training exercises at certain times and they warn about unexploded ordinances!

Very soft sand made for slow going on the beach
On Wednesday, we finally had enough wind (just) to sail most of the way to Great Keppel Island. We shared the anchorage at Long Beach with about 20 other boats, some heading further south on Thursday while we headed across to Keppel Bay Marina to hide from the next big SE change due on Friday. 

Leaving Port Clinton shows how massive it is
We had 4 nights in the marina, shopping and enjoying the company of the other cruisers here. To counter this, we had 2 long rides on our bikes to the northern beaches and the Pineapple Rail Trail. 2 bonus rides for Warren to the bakery for fresh bread! 

Pineapple Rail Trail
Black cockatoos on the bike path
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